Customer Story

Lulu Hart Bentley.

Marketing Expert.

Experience the story of Lulu Hart Bentley, a marketing consultant

who helped a client clinch a real estate listing with just a

well-timed birthday card through Mailbox Power. Explore her

inspiring journey from a regular consultant to a powerful

advocate for personalized direct mail.

Customer Story

Winning New Business Listings with Mailbox Power

Experience the story of Lulu Hart Bently, who clinched a real estate listing with just a well-timed birthday card through Mailbox Power. Explore her inspiring journey from a regular marketing consultant to a powerful advocate for personalized direct mail.

Lulu's goal was simple: she wanted her marketing consultancy to stand out. She knew that clients were more than just business deals - they were people who deserved genuine care and attention. But in a business world full of generic emails and bland transactions, how could she make a difference?

Enter Mailbox Power. With its personalized and automated direct mail services, Lulu found the missing piece. She started sending custom birthday cards and tailored gifts, securing real estate listings for her clients and kick-starting small businesses. It was this unique approach that enabled her to not only stand out, but to genuinely connect with her clients.

"This is just that little bit extra that shows somebody that number one, you are a real person. And number two, that you care."

There are thousands of web building agencies out there. Machen faced the challenge of building genuine relationships with clients and prospects in an industry saturated with competition.

Mailbox Power offered him the tools to create personalized, tangible connections that left a lasting impact. Machen shares his powerful techniques that have let him secure $26,000 deals.

Make your customers feel special and they'll trust you with their business.

Watch the Whole Success Spotlight Here.

Watch the Whole Success Spotlight Here.

Start sending, connecting,

and driving revenue with

Mailbox Power.

Start sending, connecting,

and driving revenue with

Mailbox Power.